Uncomfortable Conversations

I’ve never been a “beat around the bush” kind of girl. As opposed to surface level conversations, I’ve always preferred to talk about unpopular opinions, and ugly truths. Healthy communication is key in any relationship worth having, and there will come a time when you don’t like something, something hurt your feelings, or you simply need more. We love our loved ones, but I’m sure that we all have somebody that we need to have an uncomfortable conversation with.

I know, there’s this thin line between wanting to assist them in their growth, and also not wanting to hurt their feelings. Nonetheless, there are things that need to be addressed. I’m a believer, when you love somebody, you should tell them the truth. But, it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

There’s nothing worse than feeling a relationship changing between you and someone that you love. You can sense that the energy is different, and you’re not sure where to start. What is a blessing, and sometimes a curse, is that we all have very different perspectives in life.

Social media is proof, that you literally cannot please everybody. We all have different styles, upbringings, and morals. It is not uncommon for the same scenario to be seen in two totally different ways. With that being said, most of the time, an uncomfortable, truthful conversation is all that you need.

Avoiding uncomfortable conversations will only leave room for assumptions. Something that could be a harmful intention, could drive a wedge between a good thing. Now, you’ve wasted all this time. Time that you can’t get back.

To be fair, it is important that you are given a safe space to discuss your discomfort. I have been in situations where I’ve expressed my concerns, and I was gaslit, and disregarded. If you are in agreeance of said conversations, it is essential for both parties to have the space to openly express themselves.

These days, everyone has their phones cemented to their hands. Listen, you can not have an uncomfortable conversation via text. At least not a constructive one. In text messages, it is difficult to understand someone’s intent, because the tone of what you’re trying to say, can easily be misconstrued. Being face to face, and being able to read their body language, can be helpful. A phone call too, but delete that text.

For me, I like to plan out my core messages. You ever have a conversation with somebody, and you forget to mention something? Hate it. Prior to having that uncomfortable conversation, you should have an idea of what’s really bothering you, so that you won’t start deflecting to other pointless topics.

Faking happiness is an every day, all day thing, and who has the energy for that? Don’t let your pride ruin a good thing. Please be advised, there will be people that, no conversation, or amount of compromise in the world, can change them. Don’t waste your breath. For the ones that are willing to hear your truths, respect them, and make the necessary changes, have that conversation.

Have you ever had to have an uncomfortable conversation with someone? How did it go?

Next week, on my podcast, I will be sharing my take on a few uncomfortable conversations that are often kept at arm’s length. Make sure that you follow!


One response to “Uncomfortable Conversations”

  1. I used to shy always from uncomfortable conversations until I realized I was the only one was feeling some type of way. Emphasis on delete that text. I said what I said and sometimes you have to stand on what you said.


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